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Hey, I am so happy you are here! This blog is your one-stop-shop to for all things fitness, fashion, travel & lifestyle from social media influencer, Morgan Willett. Hope you enjoy moving through this crazy thing called LIFE with me… Happy reading!

My 2024 Word of the Year (& How to Choose Yours!)

My 2024 Word of the Year (& How to Choose Yours!)

It's officially a brand new year.


If you're anything like me, January 1st is more than just a day to nurse a hangover or jot down a few goals (and then stash them away until December). 

I seriously... take it seriously.

The beginning of the year symbolizes so much.

You get to create goals, hopes and dreams.

You get to craft vision boards.

You get to start new fitness journeys.

You get to decide EXACTLY how you want your upcoming year to be. (click to read more)

29 Things I Have Learned by 29

29 Things I Have Learned by 29


I am officially entering my last year in my 20's.


Also, hi! How are ya? Long time, no talk on this ole blog.

Like I always do, I wanted to drop some wisdom on my birthday because that's just what I like to do (and not to toot my own horn, but I think I am pretty good at it).

Birthdays are my absolute favorite, not only because it's an excuse to dress up, throw parties and be as sparkly as I want without anyone being able to tell me anything... but because it's also a chance to do some serious self reflection. (Click to read more).

2022 & My 'Yes Year' Reflections

2022 & My 'Yes Year' Reflections


It's officially 2023.

How. On. Earth.

I think it's safe to say that many people look forward to the new year, especially those who had a particularly tough previous one. The first day of January represents so much more than a new number that you see on a calendar or a fresh new planner that you crack open.. It represents change, new beginnings, a fresh mindset and a chance to start over. For many, January 1st feels like a big sigh of relief. 

But for me...

January 1st feels like saying goodbye.

Sounds strange, I know. Stick with me here... there's a point to this blog post I swear. 


As many of you know, I decided that 2022 was going to be my “yes” year. (Click to read more).