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Hey, I am so happy you are here! This blog is your one-stop-shop to for all things fitness, fashion, travel & lifestyle from social media influencer, Morgan Willett. Hope you enjoy moving through this crazy thing called LIFE with me… Happy reading!

ALL THINGS BALI: Itinerary, Recap & Recs

ALL THINGS BALI: Itinerary, Recap & Recs

Thinking of booking a trip to Bali? 

Let me help you. 

After spending two weeks solo traveling and bopping around Indonesia, I can honestly report back and say that Bali is one of my favorite places I have EVER been.

Friendly and accommodating people.

Beautiful beaches and sunsets. 

Crazy affordable hotels and villas (and massages!) 


(click to read more)

29 Things I Have Learned by 29

29 Things I Have Learned by 29


I am officially entering my last year in my 20's.


Also, hi! How are ya? Long time, no talk on this ole blog.

Like I always do, I wanted to drop some wisdom on my birthday because that's just what I like to do (and not to toot my own horn, but I think I am pretty good at it).

Birthdays are my absolute favorite, not only because it's an excuse to dress up, throw parties and be as sparkly as I want without anyone being able to tell me anything... but because it's also a chance to do some serious self reflection. (Click to read more).

Mallorca, Spain: Travel Recap + Recs

Mallorca, Spain: Travel Recap + Recs

Hi my fellow travel lovers! 

I am going to make this one simple and to the point...

If you ever have the opportunity to go visit Mallorca (AKA one of Spain's Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean known for beach resorts, sheltered coves, limestone mountains), you absolutely must. 

I have been to my far share of cool destinations. Africa, Italy, Qatar... the list is pretty length! (#blessed) Out of all of them though, I can honestly say that at the tip top of my list is...


(Click to read more).

All Things Barcelona: Travel Recap + Recs

All Things Barcelona: Travel Recap + Recs

Hi friends! 

Let's talk BARCELONA. I've been back for about a month (procrastinating this blog post) and I am finally ready to spill alllllll the details on my recent-ish Spain adventure. 

Unsure on what to do while in Barcelona? Looking for a solid itinerary? Want to hop around to a magical island afterwards and don't know which one to pick? Curious on the best areas to travel solo?!

Got you covered.

Let's dig into it, shall we? (Click to read more).